Destinations are a list of your available DDIs, and how they are configured to route through your phone system.

Note: You may see a Bearer number in your Destinations list. This is a DDI attached to your system specifically for Atlas engineers to perform testing and diagnostics with. It should not be used as a normal Destination.

Clicking the pencil/edit icon beside a destination will show you a page similar to this.

Edit Destinations

Setting Description
Type Do not use. Should always be set to Inbound.
Destination The full national format DDI delivered to the system.
Context Do not use. Should always be set to public.
Actions The first two actions are export statements required for the internal working of the system. The third action allows you to set the destination for the incoming call.
Caller ID Name Prefix Allows you to set a prefix that is inserted before the Caller ID number when displayed on the phone. Useful for seeing what DDI the caller used.
Account Code Unused. Leave blank.
Enabled Allows you to enable/disable a DDI.
Description Set a description for this DDI.